Standard Benchmarks
Benchmark Portfolios for Classic Asset Allocations
Every Portfolio and Strategy has a stated
investment style (such as large-cap
value, Eurozone growth, balanced-moderate,
technology, etc.) and an overall objective of
tracking or outperforming a particular benchmark. Unfortunately,
there is no set of "off the shelf" benchmarks
that cover the requisite set of asset
allocations and spans sufficient market history
to be serviceable for the thousands of
Portfolios used or created by our AlphaDroid and
SectorSurfer subscribers. The solution was to create a
set of ten classically defined benchmarks from
a set of well-established Vanguard and Fidelity
mutual funds.
The comparative chart below illustrates how
shifting asset class weights affects long-term
performance over the market
conditions of the last 30 years.
Currently these benchmarks are only available
for the Prudent Momentum
Benchmark Relative Performance
Benchmark Portfolio Definitions
of the above Benchmarks can be automatically
used with any Portfolio simply by (1) including the
Stocks:Bonds ratio (i.e. 60:40) in the name of
the Portfolio (see chart title), and (2) setting
the White Reference Index in the
Advanced Charting Options to the "Automatic"
selection. When one of the above
Benchmarks is successfully enabled you will see
its name posted in the top-center of the main
black chart and likewise posted just above the
numerical statistics of the overall chart at
center-left. All statistics regarding the chosen
reference index will be calculated and displayed
The most important reason for using the proper
benchmark for a Portfolio is readily understood
by examining the 2-year Rolling Return chart
— one must compare apples with apples. In this
example chart, if the reference for comparison was the
S&P500, the Portfolio would inherently
outperform the reference during bad stock market periods,
underperform during good stock market periods. When markets are good it will falsely appear that the Portfolio is
performing poorly when in fact it is
beating the daylights out of any other 60:40
portfolio using buy-and-hold MPT. This can cause individuals and advisors
to incorrectly decide to fire the
Portfolio (and maybe the advisor) to become more
aggressive. Keeping things in perspective is
with the right Benchmark alleviates this
Of course, if being more aggressive
during bull markets is preferred, the simple
solution is to own a 100:0 (no bonds) style
Portfolio that incorporates
StormGuard-Armor and an
Bear Market Strategy in its underlying
Strategies to automatically detect and
strategically avoid the risk of loss in any
future market crash.